Lab Course - Robot System Management WS 2013/2014

Sunday, Jun 9, 2013

An announcement of the course can eventually be found in the course information system CAMPUS.


The Knowledge-based Systems Group is, amongst others, doing research in agent controllers for robots, e.g. interactive service robotics (see AllemaniACs in RoboCup@Home) and logistics scenarios.

Composing adequate systems to fulfill the given tasks, bringing them up, monitoring their state, and taking actions in case of problems is a tedious and time-consuming problem, in particular for robot fleets as for the RoboCup Logistics League scenario.

The goal of this lab course is to design, develop and test and graphical user interface to compose and deploy software on a group of mobile robots, to provide initial data like pose estimates, and to monitor the team during competetive runs. This is done using and integrating with our existing agent control framework Fawkes (free open source software, you can go have a look already!). The development may include establishing the integration with a some external software API and the overall application. An interesting extension to the software will be the integration of a knowledge-based system monitoring component and extending it with necessary features.

In this lab course you have the chance to

  • take part in a distributed software development process
  • develop (and communicate with) intelligent robots
  • apply methods of AI to robotic scenarios


  • basic study period completed (Bachelor/Vordiplom)
  • lecture “Artificial Intelligence” from our department
    (or objective evidence of equivalent knowledge)
  • profound programming skills (at least C++ and preferably also Lua)
  • possibly interest in logic-based programming
  • high motivation (at least 5 hours per week)
  • Linux skills
  • successfully solve the Qualifying Test

Qualifying Test

In order to make sure the applicant fulfills the requirements needed, we require that every applicant hands in a solution to a qualifying test as described on our wiki page. Please send your solution to Tim Niemueller. Note: successfully solving this task is a necessary requirement in order to get a place in this course.


Slots are being centrally assigned. Registration is open from July 5 to July 17 through the Central Seminar and Practical Project Seminar (Praktikum) Registration System

Dates + Schedule

The rough outline of the lab course’s schedule is as follows:

  • getting to know our software framework (Fawkes)
  • choice of subproject
  • work in groups (3 students each)
  • concept + design
  • implementation
  • integration
  • evaluation