Seminar - Forgetting and Relevance SS 2016

Wednesday, Dec 30, 2015

In this seminar we will study concepts of forgetting and relevance developed in the field of Knowledge Representation. Humans not only forget unintentionally but also intentionally, for example, when they obtain new information and delete previous contradicting and apparently false information. In fact, humans usually do not forget irrevocably; we can bring back memories and reconstruct forgotten knowledge. In formal languages as studied in KR, however, even supposedly simple forgetting often turns out very difficult. In this seminar, we will study techniques for forgetting in KR languages such as predicate logic, description logics, or answer set programs. Related to forgetting is the concept of relevance among different facts. For example, when some fact is to be forgotten, this may also affect other facts relevant to the forgotten fact. Relevance is useful to develop tractable reasoning and handling inconsistencies in a knowledge base.


Students of Bachelor and Master programs can participate in this seminar. For Master Informatik students, the seminar belongs to the fields Theoretische Informatik and Daten- und Informationsmanagement. For Master Software Systems Engineering (SSE) students, it belongs to the fields Theoretical Foundations of SSE and Data and Information Management.

Places are allocated centrally from 14.01.2016 until 27.01.2016. In your application please clearly indicate your prior knowledge of the subject (see the requirements section). We won’t be able to consider your application otherwise. The number of available slots is limited.


A thorough knowledge of logic and knowledge representation is absolutely essential. Relevant courses include the Mathematical Logic course from the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science group and our lectures on Knowledge Representation and The Logic of Knowledge Bases.


Füge die noch!!!!

Additional information

Introductory Meeting

  • The introductory meeting will take place in the beginning of the semester, the exact date will be announced. Participation is compulsory.

Seminar Procedure

  • Besides writing your own term paper, you are asked to review other students’ term papers. We will use a conference management system (e.g., EasyChair) for this procedure. It will involve strict deadlines. Meeting these deadlines is mandatory. At the end of the seminar each student needs to give a talk on his topic in front of the other students and members of our group. Attendance of these talks and participation in the discussions is mandatory.

Seminar Date

  • The seminar will be held as a block seminar on two or three days, likely during the semester break.


General Info

Library Tour

  • The Computer Science Library offers guided tours on how to find literature in the library and how to prepare a seminar. Interested students should enlist for a tour in the preliminary discussion.
