Proseminar: Artificial Intelligence SS 2021

Friday, Dec 4, 2020

The proseminar will be on different (sub-)topics from artificial intelligence. We largely follow the lines of the well known textbook by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig “Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach”.

We implement a peer review process for this proseminar. That is, every student will read some other students’ term paper and provide feedback in form of a written review. This shall not only deepen your understanding of the other topics, but it also introduces you to the academic review process.

An Learning Room in Moodle of the course contains more info and material (for participants only!).


In this proseminar we discuss selected topics from the textbook


The requirements for successfully completing the ProSeminar are to:

  • independently work into a given (scientific) topic
  • prepare a written proseminar thesis of about 15 pages
  • give an oral presentation of 25 minutes on the given topic
  • actively participate in the discussions on the proseminar’s topics

Registration is only possible via the central registration and [allocation website](Seite ist: mid/end January.

Preliminary Discussion / Introductory Meeting

There will be an introductory meeting at the beginning of the semester, usually in the seminar room of Informatik 5. In this meeting the topics are appointed to the students. General remarks on how to approach the proseminar topic and on how to write the report are given. Participation is mandatory.

Additional information

ProSeminar Procedure

In the proseminar students work on a scientific topic and present this topic to their peers. Students will usually be working in teams of two. Every team will work on their topic independently and prepare a term paper and a presentation throughout the semester. The presentations will then take place in meetings towards the end of the lecture period. Participation in all meetings is bindingly for achieving the credit. The literature should then be discussed with the instructor. The instructors of the different topics are to be announced.

No later than 3 weeks before the talk the proseminarist should hand in a preliminary version of the seminar paper to the respective seminar instructor. A final version of the transparencies has to be handed in 1 week before the talk. You are of course more than welcome to discuss and coordinate with us way before those final deadlines.

Library Tour

The computer science library offers guided tours on how to find literature in the library and how to prepare a seminar. Interested students should enlist for a tour in the preliminary discussion. The Library Tour is mandatory for Bachelor students!


Topics will be alloted in the first meeting and each topic is supervised by one of the KBSG staff members. The particular topic assignment table can eventually be found in learning room.

LaTeX Templates

The LaTeX templates and some general information on preparing a seminar paper and a seminar talk can be found on our general seminar info page. Note that some information on that page is not relevant for proseminars (but only for seminars).

Seminar Dates

The Introductory meeting takes place on just before the semester starts (or in the first week(s) of the semester in the seminar room of i5.