Stefan Schiffer
I do not offer any internships. Please excuse that I will not respond to any such (email) requests.
If you do not speak german and are unsure on how to pronounce my name, try "Shiffuh".
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people among you, here you go: [ˈStêfaːn ˈʃɪfɐ]
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Short Bio
Is a postdoctoral research associate at RWTH Aachen University.
Is the research coordinator of the MASCOR Institute at FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
Was the study advisor for the international Master's programme Software Systems Engineering.
Was a postdoctoral researcher and teaching assistant at KBSG, RWTH Aachen University.
Completed his doctoral studies and received his Dr. rer. nat (~ Ph.D.) from RWTH Aachen University end of 2014.
Held a scholarship from the graduate school
Graduiertenkolleg "Software fuer mobile Kommunikationssysteme"
from 2006 to 2008.
Received his diploma degree (Dipl.-Inform., comparable to M.Sc.) from RWTH Aachen University end of 2005.
Studied computer science with a minor in medicine and
specialization in artificial intelligence at RWTH Aachen
My research interests include but are not limited to
- Cognitive Robotics
- Domestic Service Robotics
- Human-Machine Interaction
- Embodied Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games
Program Committee
I've been a Program Committee member of
The International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART)
(ICAART 2017,
ICAART 2018,
ICAART 2019,
ICAART 2020,
ICAART 2021,
ICAART 2022,
ICAART 2023)
The European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
(ECAI 2016,
ECAI 2020)
The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
The The International Conference on Persuasive Technologies (Persuasive)
(Persuasive 2022,
Persuasive 2023)
The 11th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (CogRob-2018) held at KR 2018
The 10th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (CogRob-2016) held at IROS 2016
The International Workshop on Application of Semantic Web technologies in Robotics - AnSWeR (AnSWeR 2017, AnSWeR 2018)
The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA2015)
The 2015 PRASA-RobMech International Conference (RobMech 2015)
The International Conference on Social Robotics 2014 (ICSR 2014)
The 8th IEEE AFRICON 2013 Conference - AI and Robotics Track
The 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2012) - Poster and Demo Track
The HIMoA 2011 Workshop
The ERLARS Workshop
The RoboCup 2011 Symposium
The RoboCup 2010 Symposium
The RoboCup 2009 Symposium
The RoboCup 2008 Symposium
In addition to the PC memberships above, I reviewed paper submissions
for the following journals, conferences, symposia, and workshops:
(reverse chronological order)
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2019
(AAMAS 2019)
Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2016
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2015
Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2015
2015 PRASA-RobMech International Conference
(RobMech 2015)
Sixth International Conference on Social Robotics 2014
(ICSR 2014)
The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA 2013)
IEEE Africon 2013 Conference
(AFRICON 2013)
RoboCup International Symposium 2013
(RoboCup 2013)
35th German Conference on Artifical Intelligence 2012
(KI 2012)
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2012
(IROS 2012)
International Conference on Spatial Cognition 2012
Africon 2011 Special Session on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa
September 13-15, 2011, Zambia
(Africon 2011)
The 24th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI2011)
34th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
October 4-7, 2011: Technical University Berlin
(KI 2011)
RoboCup International Symposium 2011
SIMPAR Workshop 2010 - Domestic Service Robots in the Real World
November 15, 2010, Darmstadt, Germany
Agents in Real-Time and Dynamic Environments
Workshop at AAMAS 2010, Toronto, Canada
RoboCup International Symposium 2010
RoboCup International Symposium 2009
International Conference on Spatial Cognition 2008
6th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop, July 21-22, Patras, Greece, 2008
RoboCup International Symposium 2008
International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2008
RoboCup International Symposium 2007
RoboCup International Symposium 2006
International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots 2006
I've been
I was League Chair of the RoboCup@Home league competitions at
RoboCup German Open 2008
held at Hannover Fair.
I have served as a member of the Technical Committee of the
League for 2006/2007, 2007/2008, and 2008/2009.
Thus, I was/am actively involved in writing the
Awards & Honors
I've received the following awards and honors
We were nominated for the Best Paper Award
at BIOIMAGING 2018 in Funchal, Portugal.
for our paper ``Optimized KinectFusion Algorithm for 3D Scanning Applications''.
I received the Best Poster Award
at LingUnite 2013 - Tag der Sprachwissenschaft in Aachen, Germany
for the poster ``Natural Language Processing in Domestic Service Robotics''.
See a small picture of me getting the award certificate
and a large picture of me getting the award certificate
We received the Best Student Paper Award
at ICAART 2012 in Vilamoura, Portugal.
for our paper ``Flexible Command Interpretation on an Interactive Domestic Service Robot''.
Masrur Doostdar, Gerhard Lakemeyer, and I received the Best Student Paper Award
at the RoboCup 2008 Symposium in Suzhou, China, for our paper
``Robust Speech Recognition for Service Robotic Applications''.
As leader of the AllemaniACs RoboCup Team in the RoboCup@Home league
we reached 2nd place at
RoboCup 2008 in Suzhou, China.
Leading the AllemaniACs RoboCup Team in the RoboCup@Home league
we won the
RoboCup German Open
in 2008 in Hannover, Germany.
As leader of the AllemaniACs RoboCup Team in the RoboCup@Home league
we became World Champion at
RoboCup 2007 in Atlanta, USA.
Leading the AllemaniACs RoboCup Team in the RoboCup@Home league
we won at the
RoboCup German Open
in 2007 in Hannover, Germany.
As leader of the AllemaniACs RoboCup Team in the RoboCup@Home league
we became World Champion at
RoboCup 2006 in Bremen, Germany.
As a team member of the student team ArneAnsaugstutzen (together with S. Jacobs and C. Richterich)
we ranked 3rd in the Sun Software Price
at Tag der Informatik 2001
at the Computer Science Department at RWTH Aachen, Germany.
preliminary round, finals and award ceremony.
See also:
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terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In
most cases, these works may not be reposted or reproduced in any
way, in whole or in part, without the explicit permission of the
copyright holder.
Selected Talks
Stefan Schiffer
Artificial Intelligence -- Opportunities and Risks.
Talk at the DAAD Stipendiatentreffen 2019
with the theme "Klüger als der Mensch? Auf dem Weg zur Künstlichen Intelligenz" (Smarter than humans? Towards Artificial Intelligence).
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, June 2019.
Program of the Meeting as PDF.
Stefan Schiffer
Kinect in Domestic Service Robotics.
Talk at the REGINA Management Treffen 04/2012, Kinect - Die Maschine versteht dich!.
National Instruments, Aachen, Germany, April 2012.
Foto of me at the talk
Stefan Schiffer
RoboCup: Robotic Soccer and Beyond.
Talk at the Fachschaftstagung Mathematik/Informatik 2011, Cusanuswerk.
Bildungsstaette Eichsfeld, Uder, Germany, June 2011.
Stefan Schiffer
Towards Integrated Self-Maintenance for Domestic Service Robotics.
Talk at the DAIDO/RWTH Workshop on Metal Forming and Autonomous Systems,
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, October 2010.
Stefan Schiffer
RoboCup@Home - A Domestic Service Robotics Initiative.
Talk at the Robots and Agents Research Lab, Open House Day 2009,
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, December 2009.
Stefan Schiffer
Robust Service Robotics in RoboCup@Home - A Team's Perspective.
Talk at the EURON annual meeting 2009,
K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, April 2009.
Stefan Schiffer
RoboCup@Home - Wettkampf der Service-Roboter.
Talk at Tagung "58/08: Der Mensch als Vorbild, Partner & Patient von Robotern - Bionik an der Schnittstelle Mensch-Maschine",
Ev. Akademie Loccum, October 2008.
Stefan Schiffer
RoboCup@Home: A Service Robotics Competition.
Talk at the Symposium "Die Automatisierung von Dienstleistungen - eine technische und gesellschaftliche Herausforderung",
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, October 2007.
Stefan Schiffer
Football is coming Home.
Talk at "Tag der Informatik",
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, December 2006.
Selected Exhibits and Demonstrations
MoBi - A Friendly MonsterBin to Help Primary School Children with Sorting Waste, 2021/2022
As part of the exhibition
''Lernen. Forschen. Machen. 150 Jahre RWTH Aachen''
we had our robot MoBi presented as an exhibit in the
Centre Charlemagne.
MoBi is a friendly monster that helps children with sorting their waste correctly.
It asks a couple of questions about the item to be disposed
and tries to jointly figure out which bin the item belongs to.
Visitors could freely interact with MoBi to learn how we plan MoBi to work.
Centre Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany, 12/2021 -- 02/2022.
International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2011
We, the AllemaniACs, demonstrated our robot Caesar at the International Conference on
Intelligent Robotics and Applications 2011 showing its
capabilities to autonomously drive around the conference area,
detect tables and object on them and to grasp and deliver
specific objects selected by bystanders using (pointing)
gestures. Caesar also presented its ability to detect and follow
a Robotino robot from Festo that could be remote controlled by
conference participants.
Tivoli Business Center, Aachen, Germany, 12/2011.
Schueler-Universitaet 2008, 2009, and 2010
By demonstrating our robot Caesar to some students participating
the Schueler-Universitaet
we explained some principal methods in autonomous mobile robotics.
KBSG, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 09/2008, 09/2009, 09/2010.
Tag der Technik 2008
Our robot Caesar
acted as an assistant
to Helge Haas in the
Manege der Innovationen
at Tag der Technik.
Schloss Birlinghoven, St. Augustin, Germany, 06/2008.
Hannover Messe 2007
We demonstrated our robot Hannibal at the booth of North-Rhine-Westphalia
at the Hannover Messe.
Hannover Fair, Hannover, Germany, 04/2007.
Informatikjahr 2006 - Wissenschaftssommer
We demonstrated our robot Hannibal at the Wissenschaftssommer in Munich.
See event at AllemaniACs website
Zelt auf dem Marienhof, Muenchen, Germany, 09/2006.
I am the mentoring person and the study advisor for the
Master Programme Computational Social Systems at RWTH Aachen University.
Formerly, I was the coordinator and study advisor for the
Master Programme Software Systems Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.
Please visit for any further details.
WS 2022/23 - Wissensrepräsentation und High-Level Control (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2022/23 - Master Project (Working Group)
SS 2022 - Knowledge Representation and Autonomous Systems (lecture)
(practical training)
SS 2022 - Algorithms for Automated Planning (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2021/22 - Wissensrepräsentation und High-Level Control (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2021/22 - Knowledge Representation and Autonomous Systems (lecture)
(practical training)
SS 2021 - Algorithmen zur Automatischen Planung (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2020/21 - Wissensrepräsentation und High-Level Control (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2020/21 - Masterproject (Working Group)
SS 2020 - Scientific Writing in Computer Science and Psychology (Seminar)
SS 2020 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
SS 2020 - Roboterprogrammierung mit ROS (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2019/20 - Wissensrepräsentation und High-Level Control (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
SS 2019 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
SS 2019 - Linux - Concepts and Applications (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2018/19 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture + Exercises)
WS 2018/19 - Wissensrepräsentation und High-Level Control (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2018/19 - Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Vorlesung + Übung) [lectureship]
SS 2018 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
SS 2018 - Algorithmen zur Automatischen Planung (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
SS 2018 - Guter Studienstart "Robotik" (Vorlesung, Übung) [lectureship]
WS 2017/18 - Robotik (Lecture, Exercise) [lectureship]
WS 2017/18 - Wissensrepräsentation und High-Level Control (Lecture, Exercise, Practical) [lectureship]
WS 2017/18 - Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Vorlesung + Übung) [lectureship]
WS 2017/18 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
SS 2017 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
SS 2017 - Guter Studienstart "Robotik" (Vorlesung, Übung) [lectureship]
WS 2016/17 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
SS 2016 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2015/16 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
SS 2015 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2014/15 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
SS 2014 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2013/14 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
Vorlesung @ CAMPUS
Uebung @ CAMPUS
WS 2013/14 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture + Exercises)
SS 2013 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
SS 2013 - Plan and Activity Recognition (Seminar)
WS 2012/13 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
WS 2012/13 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture + Exercises)
WS 2012/13 - Robot Communication and Coordination (Lab Course)
SS 2012 - Robust Reliable Robotics (Seminar)
SS 2012 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2011/12 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture + Exercises)
WS 2011/12 - Interactive Games and/with Robots (Lab Course)
SS 2011 - Knowledge Representation and Computational Tractability (Seminar)
SS 2011 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2010/11 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture + Exercises)
WS 2010/11 - Interactive Agents Artificial Intelligence (Lab Course)
SS 2010 - Selected Topics in Specifying Intelligent Agents (Seminar)
WS 2009/10 - Ringvorlesung Bionik (Lecture + Exercise on Robotics)
WS 2009/10 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture + Exercises)
WS 2009/10 - Intelligent Agents for Interactive Computer Games (Lab Course)
SS 2009 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (Seminar)
SS 2009 - Planning in Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2008/09 - Einfuehrung in die Informatik (Lecture) [partly]
WS 2008/09 - Behavior Programming for Soccer Robots (Lab Course)
SS 2008 - Markovian Robotics (Seminar)
(old page version)
WS 2007/08 - Robot Control with Golog (Lab Course)
(old page version)
SS 2007 - Interaction and Learning in Complex Domains (Seminar) [B-IT]
SS 2007 - Artificial Intelligence (ProSeminar)
WS 2006/07 - Service Robotics (Lab Course)
SS 2006 - Agent Communication (Seminar)
Master's Thesis, M.B.
Title: Knowledge-Based Activity Representation for Shared Autonomy Teleoperation of Robotic Arms
External thesis at DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics.
Bachelor's Thesis, B.A.
Title: Learning Features for Arcade Game Agents
Bachelor's Thesis, M.J.
Title: A Simulation-based Angry Birds Agent
Also see thesis info on KBSG website,
the AIBirds project at KBSG,
and the Akbaba Team Description Paper.
Diploma Thesis, J.H.
Title: Mixed-Initiative Planning of Coordinated Movement for Real-Time Strategy Games
Master's Thesis, S.R.L.
Title: A Flexible Object Recognition System for Domestic Domains
Supervision together with T.Niemueller.
Also see our publication at the IROS 2013 Cloud Robotics Workshop on this.
Diploma Thesis, Christoph Schwering.
Title: Situation Calculus-based Online Plan Recognition in Continuous Domains
Supervision together with Daniel Beck.
Also see our publication at CogRob 2012 and our publication at KI 2012 on this.
Diploma Thesis, Paul Koehler.
Title: Informed Unsupervised Clustering for Problematic Attributes in Supervised Learning Tasks
Supervision together with Daniel Beck.
Diploma Thesis, Niklas Hoppe.
Title: Flexible Command Interpretation on a Mobile Robot using ReadyLog
thesis info on KBSG website
Also see our publication on this at ICAART 2012.
Diploma Thesis, Masrur Doostdar.
Title: Multi-Modal Multi-Target People Tracking on a Mobile Robot
thesis info on KBSG website
Bachelor's Thesis, Tobias Baumgartner.
Title: Visual Gesture Recognition on a Mobile Robot
thesis info on KBSG website
Also see our publication on this at ICIRA 2011.
Diploma Thesis, Andreas Wortmann.
Title: Self-Maintaining and Self-Monitoring Autonomous Systems
thesis info on KBSG website
Also see our publications on this at CogRob 2010 and at DRHE2010.
External Diploma Thesis, Siavash Sefid-Rodi.
Title: Bewegungsverhalten computergesteuerter Charaktere in modernen Computerspielen
External thesis at artificial technology gmbh.
Diploma Thesis, Dennis Pannhausen.
Title: Inductive Policy Learning
Supervision together with Daniel Beck.
Diploma Thesis, Christian Gehrmann.
Topic: Hierarchical Agent Communication in Interactive Computer Games
Supervised together with Daniel Beck and Dr. Alexander Ferrein.
Project Thesis, Borja Artamendi Aguirregomezcorta.
Topic: PoMDP Dialog Management for a Mobile Robot.
Master's Thesis, Vaishak Belle.
Title: Detection and Recognition of Human Faces using Random Forests for a Mobile Robot
Supervised together with Thomas Deselaers from Chair of Computer Science 6
Also see our publication on this at ICPR 2008.
My Erdös Number
My Erdös Number is five (5).
Here's the link-chain:
coauthored with
Gerhard Lakemeyer
coauthored with
Joseph Y. Halpern
coauthored with
Ashok K. Chandra
coauthored with
Shmuel Zaks
coauthored with
Paul Erdös1
You might be interested in a XKCD comic on this.
Countries I've visited

visited 24 states (10.6%)
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The easiest way to reach me is via eMail.
Depending on which persona you are trying to contact
you may use one of the following addresses:
You are strongly invited to use encrypted communication,
just use my GPG key.
You can visit me in my office, too, but you need to schedule an appointment first!
Address at iTec (RWTH) |
Address at MASCOR (FHAC) |
Chair Individual and Technology |
Mobile Autonomous Systems and Cognitive Robotics Institute (MASCOR) |
RWTH Aachen University |
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences |
Theaterplatz 14 |
Eupener Str. 70 |
52062 Aachen |
52066 Aachen |
Germany |
Germany |
Stefan Schiffer